South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Raising awareness of the roles, training and activities of CFS Volunteers state-wide


Country Fire Service Volunteers Association

The objectives of the Association are:
  • To promote public concern in measures to be taken in the interests of fire prevention and fire extinction in the saving of both life and property.
  • To recommend to the CFS Board and other appropriate authorities various measures for considerations in the development and efficiency of the CFS.
  • To provide nominations to CFS Board advisory committees.
  • To appoint delegates to meetings of the Federal body - The Assembly of Volunteer Fire Brigades Associations.
  • To perform any other function consistent with the aim of the Association.

The Association has two representatives on the Fire & Emergency Services Advisory Board, which will advise the Minister and the SAFECOM Board on issues important to Volunteers.

The Association provides support and administration for CFSVA sub committees:

The Association has developed a communications plan, and has improved the flow of information through the commencement of a monthly newsletter, The 'CFSVA Bulletin', and through its upgraded website at The newsletter is distributed through CFSVA group and brigade representatives, and of course any member who is 'on line' can access the website. All CFSVA meeting outcomes, press releases, important links and latest news appear on that website.