South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Raising awareness of the roles, training and activities of CFS Volunteers state-wide


24 Rural Appliance
2000L, 4WD General Purpose Appliance

The 24 Rural appliance, carries around 2000 litres of water and has 4 wheel drive capability. This configuration allows the standard 24 stowage to be carried


Each 24 Rural appliance carries a basic set of equipment, which may include:

Additional equipment listed below may be carried, depending on individual brigade requirements:

  • Haligan tool
  • Trauma Teddy
  • Absorbant material (for oil spills etc)
  • Chainsaw
  • Salvage sheets
  • GPS
  • Fridge

Please Note: The above information is provided as an example of a typical appliance of this type. Actual equipment and configuration of appliances may vary to suit requirements of the station to which it belongs.