South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Promoting and Archiving the Historical foundations of the Service

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Website development and digital camera
Submitted On Thursday, May 23, 2024
Submitted By Pip

In 2001, Pip & Ashley took on the running of the Promotions Unit website.

The site underwent a major rebuild to more of a similar style to today. The site went from information just about individual brigades, and how to join, to including information about equipment and other services.

In early 2001, the Promotions Unit was successful in obtaining a grant for a new digital camera, to enable photos to be taken, and more easily uploaded to the website. Previous to that, most of the photos were taken on film, developed, printed, scanned and sent to Nick to add to the website. Occasionally, we were able to borrow a digital camera which made processing photos much easier - but it wasnt often we were able to do so.

The brand new camera was an Olympus 2.5 Mega pixel camera which was (at the time) really cool!! (At least we thought so!)

While we still took photos on film - (it meant two of us could take photos at the same time!) the digital camera soon became the main camera, and we started to increase the number of photos we took.

This photo - of Nairne CFS training - taken in January 2001 was one of the early photos on the new Olympus digital camera.

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