South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Promoting and Archiving the Historical foundations of the Service

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Cameras across the state - more photos
Submitted On Friday, May 24, 2024
Submitted By Pip

From 2004 onwards, we upgraded our cameras - with a budget provided by CFS HQ, to the VFBA - and purchased digital SLRs with good lenses, which increased our ability to take photos, and an increase in the quality of the images.

We also had several non SLR digital cameras, which we allocated to CFS members at various brigade across the state. In 2004 - 05, they were located at Mt Gambier, Naracoorte, Littlehampton, Roseworthy and Mudla Wirra. In addition to those cameras, we encouraged other CFS members to send us their photos for inclusion on the website. We received lots of photos!

This increased our ability to obtain images from places other than nearby to us. Many of these photos were added to our Photo Galleries.

As well as images added to our Photo Galleries, we continued to add photos of appliances and stations to our ERGUIDE - the part of our website that displayed information about each individual brigade.

As in the previous year, photos that appears on the Website were utilised in a wide range of other publications, including:

Our photo gallery website
The VFBA Website
Publications promoting the VFBA
CFS Volunteer magazine
Emergency Management Australia
CFS Headquarters
Attorney Generals Department
Adelaide Hills Courier newspaper
Adelaide University’s newspaper
Messenger newspaper
Malcolm Buckby MP
CFS Brigades websites
CFS Brigades newsletters
SAFECOM publications
BFF1 training manual
SAPOL Road Safety programme
CFS members
Various CFS Training manuals
ICS manuals & presentations

All of the images were supplied free of charge.

Our activities were recognised by both a Highly Commended and Commended picture in the National Photo Competition held by the Emergency Management Australia (EMA). Many of the Promotions Unit submitted pictures were featured on display on the award night held in Canberra.

Photo taken by Bill Corcoran at Naracoorte, November 2005

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