South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

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Sampson Flat Bushfire book
Submitted On Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Submitted By Ashes

The Sampson Flat Bushfire, one of the most devastating in 30 years, lasted for 6 days, took out many homes, trapped many native and farm animals, and burnt 1,000s of Hectares of land, but most importantly, no human lives were lost.

"Sampson Flat Bushfire - January 2015 - 100 Individual Stories of Lessons Learned" is a collection of stories telling of the horror, the tragedy, the courage, the humility, and pathways to recovery, compiled by Jan Verrall and Denise Elland.

All proceeds from book sales donated to CFS. Cost per copy is $50.00 pick-up. For postage add $13.00.

To purchase a copy, contact:

Jan Verrall 0455 111 395
or Denise Elland 0427 707 951

DD Bank Transfer available, details below:

Commonwealth Bank
Account name : JL Verrall & DC Elland
BSB 065 149
Account Number
1036 6931

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