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Royal Show Demos - 1998
Submitted On
Sunday, May 19, 2024
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The Pantech continued to travel to events across the state.
The Promotions Unit team consisted of members from across a range of brigades, who would often travel to events to assist local brigades with their event, or attend and coordinate larger events, such as the Royal Show.
In 1998, the Pantech was part of Royal Adelaide Show, with crews and appliances from across the state attending.
The Promotions Team also put together a Royal Show Demo in the main arena.
Members from a wide range of brigades attended, with eight appliances each night taking part (and not necessarily the same ones each time!).
The demo aimed to show the public the range of incidents CFS might attend, including grass fires, hazmat and more.
Photos from the event have been uploaded to our Large Incident Gallery:
The Promotions team also ran a number of main arena demos at the 1999 Royal Adelaide Show.
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