Cherryville Scrub Fire, Cherryville and Basket Range. May 2013
Contributed Photo Galleries
9th to 12th May 2013
back to incident gallery

This page was created on the 11th June 2013, and updated on the 21st of June 2013

This gallery of pictures contains images taken by CFS Volunteers, Community Members and the CFS Promotions Unit during the fire at Cherryville and Basket Range between the 9th and 12th of May 2013. At the end of the four days, 649 Hectares had been burnt, with a perimeter of 13Kms. One house was destroyed, along with numerous sheds, equipment and fencing.

More pictures will be added to this gallery as they are received

Whilst every effort has been taken to acknowledge the relevant photographer, we understand some may not be correct. If any of these pictures are yours and not correctly acknowledged, please let us know.

Thursday 9th May 3013

Ashley Hosking, CFS Promotions Unit

Friday 10th May 3013

Michael Coulson, Paracombe CFS

Ashley Hosking, CFS Promotions Unit

Pip McGowan, CFS Promotions Unit

Jeremiah Doecke, Clayton CFS

Joshua Branson, Tarlee CFS

Rik McElroy, Eden Valley CFS

Saturday 11th May 3013

Pip McGowan, CFS Promotions Unit

Thursday 9th May 2013

Ashley Hosking, CFS Promotions Unit

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Friday 10th May 2013

Cherryville Fire Map
Cherryville Fire Map 10:20am Friday 10th May 2013

Michael Coulson, Paracombe CFS

Crews at the Cherryville Fire
Crews at the Cherryville Fire Friday 10th May 2013
(wmv format, 4Mb and will open in new program window)

Ashley Hosking, CFS Promotions Unit

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Pip McGowan, CFS Promotions Unit

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Jeremiah Doecke, Clayton CFS

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Joshua Branson, Tarlee CFS

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Rik McElroy, Eden Valley CFS

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Saturday 11th May 2013

Pip McGowan, CFS Promotions Unit

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