South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Raising awareness of the roles, training and activities of CFS Volunteers state-wide


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Contact Us

Pip McGowan -

Pip, along with Ashley, administers the data such as news, links and station information on the website, and is the Chief Photographer of the Unit. She can be contacted about any technical issue about photos from the Unit.

Ashley Hosking -

Ashley, along with Pip, administers the data and provides technical development, and can be contacted about any technical issue about the site. He also assists with the photography.

SA Country Fire Service Headquarters -

CFS Headquarters provides funding for the CFS Promotions Unit, and can be contacted on any issue regarding the CFS.

Country Fire Service Volunteers Association -

The CFSVA administers the funding for the CFS Promotions Unit, a Sub committee of the CFSVA, and can be contacted on any issue regarding the CFSVA.

Site Developer -

Ashley Hosking maintains and upgrades this site, and can be contacted about any technical issue about the site.

Your Message

Your Name *

Your Email *

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are mandatory

Postal Details

PO Box 73, Basket Range SA 5138

Photos taken by Kangarilla CFSt.