The SA Country Fire ServiceThe South Australian Country Fire Service

Deployments to Victoria - 2003


This site provides CFS members an opportunity to display their collections of pictures taken during the 2003 bushfire deployments into Victoria. If you see a picture on the site and wish to receive a higher quality one, please let me know at

The pictures on this site are copyright to the person who has submitted them, and permission should be obtained before use of these pictures in any publication or Website.

January & February 2003, Beechworth and Tallangatta Valley areas

Ashley Hosking, Stike Team Photographer
Strike team 501 unit 511 (Bobinawarrah Tanker) Beechworth and Tallangatta Valley, 27th to 28th Jan

Strike team 501 unit 511 (Bobinawarrah Tanker) Beechworth and Tallangatta Valley, 29th to 31st Jan
Strike Teams at Buchan. 5th and 6th Feb
Strike Team Bravo, Buchan and Black Mountain. 7th Feb
Stike Team Alpha, Buchan and Geladipity. 8th and 9th Feb

An crew list compiled at the time of the deployments but is incomplete. CREW LIST

CFS State Headquarters, Corporate Affairs - Media

Maps and updated information from the CFS, CFA and DSE

updated - March 2, 2003