Grass fire, Grace Plainsfrom Hamley Bridge CFS Tree down, Bridgewaterfrom Bridgewater CFS Grass fire, Smithfieldfrom Braeden Gatt Scrub fire, Onkaparinga Hillsfrom Bridgewater CFS Scrub fire, Onkaparinga Hillsfrom Willunga CFS Staging area, Onkaparinga Hillsfrom Adelaide Emergency Media Grass fire, Woodfordefrom Pip McGowan, CFS Promotions Unit Grass fire, Woodfordefrom Lucas Hosking, CFS Promotions Unit Grass fire, Woodfordefrom Pip McGowan, CFS Promotions Unit Lolly run, Ashbournefrom Ashbourne CFS Visit to Father Christmas, Murray Bridgefrom Zac Forrester Grass fire, Eden Valleyfrom Lyndoch CFS Grass fire, Eden Valleyfrom Mt Pleasant CFS Grass fire, Marble Hillfrom Ashley Hosking, CFS Promotions Unit Grass fire, Marble Hillfrom Ashley Hosking, CFS Promotions Unit Grass and car fire, Koonibbafrom Anthony Daelman Tree down, Basket Rangefrom Pip McGowan, CFS Promotions Unit Grass fire, Coultafrom Coffin Bay CFS Fireworks, Happy Valleyfrom Happy Valley CFS Grass fire, Strathalbynfrom Strathalbyn CFS November 2024