South Australian Country Fire Service Promotions Unit

Raising awareness of the roles, training and activities of CFS Volunteers state-wide


Daily Gallery - Incident and Activities

CFS in Action

Current Gallery: January - December 2025

Some of the most recent photos are put on the CFS Promotions Unit Facebook Page before being added to our Galleries, as time permits.

The Daily Gallery shows what CFS members do on a daily basis - at incidents and other activities including training, school visits and other community activities.
Where photos have been taken at real incidents, consideration has been given to casualties by the modification of photos to cover identifying details if necessary. Any photo that clearly depicts a casualty is actually a CFS member or assistant, made up with casualty simulation makeup.

The images have been submitted by members and supporters of the SA Country Fire Service, and copyright applies for all of these images. The CFS Promotions Unit welcomes contributions to this gallery. We urge you to read our Photo Guide before taking and submitting photos. If you would like to submit photographs for consideration for use on this site, please email them to us at

If you wish to utilise any of the images that appear on the site, in publications or other websites, please contact us at Please note COPYRIGHT applies to all photos, and permission MUST be sort prior to any photos being used. Larger resolution versions of photos can be supplied upon request.


CFS in Action